Breister Family Breister Family

4 Reasons To Invest in Email vs. Social Media

In a world where marketing budgets are unlimited and creative resources aren’t scarce, ideally, we as brands could spread the love across all channels in our marketing mix. Organizations must review every channel for efficacy and efficiency and the stats listed below provide a compelling argument for prioritizing email marketing over social media.

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Breister Family Breister Family

Marketing Managers Call Your Supply Chain Leaders

Marketers who have the pulse on their firm’s supply chain operations are enabled to make decisions that positively impact firm performance through revenue saving and generating opportunities. There are several tactics that marketers can do to alleviate the impact of the supply chain crisis on their organization.

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Breister Family Breister Family

Customer Journey Mapping… Part 2

Customer Journey Mapping involves critically defining five key elements - buyer personas, stages of the decision journey, the buyer's mindset and concerns, touchpoints, and moments of truth. Here are the six steps you will want to take during your customer journey map project.

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Breister Family Breister Family

Customer Journey Mapping… Part 1

Over the last several weeks I have been extremely interested in customer experience management and design. I have read about 4 books on the topic and read several articles. To save you time, I am going to review what I have learned and how to apply it in your business. As usual, if you are more interested in the topic I will have relevant links for the books and articles I have read about this subject. Let's jump in...

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Breister Family Breister Family

Understanding and Leveraging Your Customer Acquisition Costs

So what is Customer Acquisition Cost? In the most basic terms, it is the cost of convincing your customer to purchase your product or service. This metric has become increasingly important to marketers, business owners, and investors. Today, companies that sell their good or service online can execute highly-targeted campaigns to track consumers through their buying journey - from consideration to conversion.

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Breister Family Breister Family

California Consumer Protection Act and Your Business

While you may be thinking... well I don't live in California so this doesn't apply to me. You are incorrect in that thinking. The CCPA has made significant changes to how large platforms like Google and Facebook can deliver your advertising to customers. So let's jump in...

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