4 Reasons To Invest in Email vs. Social Media

In a world where marketing budgets are unlimited and creative resources aren’t scarce, ideally, we as brands could spread the love across all channels in our marketing mix. However, marketing budgets typically aren’t open checkbooks and the great resignation has created significant scarcity and competition for creatives.

Organizations must review every channel for efficacy and efficiency and the stats listed below provide a compelling argument for prioritizing email marketing over social media. 

  1. Too Many Accounts - According to Backlinko, Gen Z and Millennials average 8.4 social media accounts per person - splitting their time between all their accounts. Welcome to the Creator Economy… However, according to Prosperity Media, individuals average 1.75 email accounts (probably work and personal accounts).

  2. Time Spent - On Social Media Accounts, eMarketer found Americans spend less than 35 minutes on any one social media channel (33 minutes on Facebook, 31 minutes on TikTok, 31 minutes on Twitter, 29 minutes on Instagram, and 28 minutes on Snapchat) BUT, Americans average three hours a day checking work email and two hours a day checking personal email… EVERY DAY. That is 10X the time spent on any other social channel Adobe found in their report.

  3. The Problem with Organic Reach - Marketers have been fighting for organic reach for years and each platform’s algorithms seem to diminish a brand’s organic reach with every update. According to Hootsuite, the average Facebook post organically reaches about 5.2% of a page’s followers or one out of every 20 followers. However, the average open rate across all industries was 21.33% in 2021, according to Constant Contact. That means that one out of every 5 subscribers not only sees but also opens your content.

  4. Click Thru Rates - Here is the big one… StatusBrew and RivalIQ found that the click-thru rates for the big three social media channels were hovering around a dismal 1%. But, Constant Contact found that the average CTR for email across all industries was 10.29% - 10X greater than social media.

So before you look into investing in the next big platform look at how your email marketing is performing. It is hard to build a long, sustainable business on the rented land of social media. Email is a high-value, owned vehicle that is worth focusing on in 2022. 


ChatGPT wrote this blog post for me, and it is pretty spot-on.


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